Thursday, June 24, 2021

 As we head into an intense weather event that will bring potentially historic high temperatures, we will be making the following IFPL and Regulated Use changes, effective 01:00 a.m., Friday, June 25, 2021:

    • NW-1 will be at IFPL 1 and Fire Danger MODERATE
    • NW-2 & NW-3 will be at IFPL 2 and Fire Danger HIGH
We hope proactive attention to fire risk, preparation, mitigation, and detection will allow us to ride out this short weather event at these levels. We will reevaluate for any needed changes on Monday, June 28.

Thank you!





Number 02

Effective 01:00 a.m., PDT, June 25, 2021

By virtue of the authority vested in me by ORS 477.625, ORS 477.670, and OAR 629-043-0070, I hereby issue notice the following subject area is susceptible to damage by fire and proclaim Industrial Fire Precaution Level 2 to be in effect:


All lands protected by the Northwest Oregon Forest Protection District, in regulated use areas NW-2 and NW-3 and all forestland within one-eighth mile thereof.

 Under Industrial Fire Precaution Level 2, the use of fire or power-driven machinery in any operation area is unlawful unless such use is in compliance with the following:

Limited Shutdown: The following activities are not permitted between the hours of 1:00 p.m. and 8:00 p.m., except as noted:

1.    Power saws, except power saws may operate at loading sites;

2.    Feller-bunchers with rotary head saws;

3.    Cable yarding

4.    Blasting

5.    Welding, cutting, or grinding of metal

The State Forester or an authorized representative may, in writing, approve a modification or waiver of these requirements.

These restrictions shall remain in effect until replaced or terminated by an additional Closedown Order of the State Forester or an authorized representative.

Maps of the subject area may be viewed at the State Forester's Office, in Salem, Oregon, and at principal offices of the Forest Protection District.

Definitions of words and phrases used in this proclamation may be found in ORS 477.001, OAR 629-041-0005.

 Kate Skinner                         Dan Goody                            Mike Cafferata

District Forester                    District Forester                    District Forester

Tillamook District                  Astoria District                      Forest Grove District

Oregon Department of Forestry

June 24, 2021